The average level will take a player 15-20 seconds to complete with the exception of perhaps two levels. That’s roughly 15 less levels than the first game and the levels in Freddy Spaghetti 2 are very short. There are 4 seasons each composed of 10 levels each, so only 40 in total. There are several levels that make jokes or references to some events that happened in the show, but the game is about Freddy attempting to adjust to work life. “The Workplace” is a parody of the show The Office. The story for the first game was able to set up a logical explanation to why Freddy was jumping around in time and locations, but this time around Freddy spends his days going to “The Workplace” – also known as the Fosset – to cause chaos. These levels lack diversity in the settings when compared to the original and some are time based leaving the player waiting for it to end after thirty seconds to a minute. Most of the levels are a simple rehash of levels we played in the first game such as the computer keyboard levels where Freddy searches questionable content on the internet. There are actually three levels each for ping pong and foosball throughout the game. Each clip will involve only one character and they are talking negatively about Freddy except for the character Jack whom enjoys a good game of ping pong or foosball with Freddy. Once the player moves onto the next level, a short 10-20 second clip will play of the few main characters talking: the Boss, Jack, and Jill. Level select is also an option for all the completed levels at the main menu. Once reaching the blue portal, the level will end and the option to replay or move on to the next level is available. Swinging a wet noodle around to the end portal is the goal of most of the 3D animated levels, just like it was in the first game. The UI is still in the game like the first and helps the player coordinate left from right. The gameplay of Freddy Spaghetti 2 is filled with rope physics controlled by use of the bumpers and can charge to control the strength of each swing. Pstarr) from the first game and his name is actually Freddy 2.0 Spaghetti according to a new character. The beginning cutscene before the intro song explains that this is actually a second Freddy made by the same scientist (Dr. Published by Ratalaika Games and developed by Playful Pasta, Freddy Spaghetti 2 lacks the tailored depth of the story from the first game and explores the idea of Freddy picking up a job. The level of quality has dipped in my personal opinion, going from a thought-out game with a structured story to more of a satirical joke game. Saying that tho, if you loved the first game then you will still love Freddy 2! The game still has its fantastic fun happy visuals and storyline.Freddy Spaghetti 2 is a shorter game in comparison to the first that released only 7 months ago in mid-December and is an action, adventure title with minor platforming. Its shorter by 10 levels in total but overall the first game was much more challenging in lots more ways. Freddy Spaghetti 2 felt like it took me half as long as it did to finish compared to the first. Some other levels which I mention above are more story driven levels that involve just moving Freddy from part a to part b of the screen. Both these levels just involve moving Freddy for a period of time, there is no challenge at all. The levels kinda fall short in some like swimming in the aquarium or the water cooler level. Unfortunately this is where the fun levels end and there are plenty of story bases levels in this game compared to the first. There are only 40 levels this time but it still has plenty of fun going levels from The Floor is Lava, Foosball and Pong. Thats right, Freddy is in the workforce and all your levels revolve around the office. The story of this game is - Freddy has a Job. Freddy 2 has these same aspects but on a smaller level compared to the first game.

Very unique and challenging in some areas. Your beloved spaghetti stand is back with Freddy Spaghetti 2 or how Freddy likes to be called - 2.0 When I first play the first game of Freddy Spaghetti I was overwhelmed with happiness and thought it was an absolutely fantastic game. Your beloved spaghetti stand is back with Freddy Spaghetti 2 or how Freddy likes to be Freddy's Back!!! Thats right ladies and gentleman. Freddy's Back!!! Thats right ladies and gentleman.